Chris Weaver Band Unveils New Single ‘’Fast Car’’

Fast Car Days » is a song that takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through his youth and the adventures he experienced during his formative years. It’s a reflection of those memorable times spent with friends, chasing dreams, and feeling the thrill of freedom in a fast car.

Chris shares: ‘’The lyrics delve into a few pivotal moments that shaped my experiences. The song starts with a vivid image of a car that was on blocks from the time I was ten until I turned sixteen. It symbolizes the longing for escape and the potential for adventure that awaited me. The turning wrench and the full tank of gasoline represent the desire to make a change and embark on a journey towards new horizons. The chorus encapsulates the essence of « Fast Car Days » as I went « wide open, » searching for new experiences and living in the moment. It’s about seeking the unknown and embracing the thrill of living life to the fullest.’’

He adds: ‘’I really hope that when people listen to « Fast Car Days, » they feel a sense of nostalgia for their own youthful escapades. I want them to be transported back to a time of carefree spirit, where the world was wide open, and anything felt possible. Ultimately, I hope the song inspires them to reflect on their own journey and the precious memories that shape who they are today.’’