All Eyes on Dani Tiscareno

Can you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your musical journey and background?

My name is Dani, im from Mexico moved to the United States as a little girl with my family. The musical journey that I’ve been on has kind of been more serendipitous of nature. I’ve always have had a physical connection to music but one day I was out and about and through a joke and a bluff I ended up with a music career.

Musical Influences – John Lennon – Lhasa de Sela – Silvio Rodriguez – Lila Downs -Youssou N’Dour Juan Gabriel

Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound and style?
Lhasa de Sela has definitely been on with her very soulful lyrics and circus style sounds.

Can you share a specific artist or album that has had a significant impact on your music?
Shakira’s early acoustic records were an influence mostly through her style of writing and prose.

Creative Process – The creative process is weird. Sometimes the songs just flow. Nothing much to it. Just a melody and the words just come out.

Favorite Song – Oleo de mujer con Sombrero – Silvio Rodriguez
Among all the songs you’ve created, do you have a personal favorite? If so, what makes it special to you? Dimelo – is one of my favorites right now. I think it captures a feeling I had a certain point in my life and its very true to it. b. Can you share the story or inspiration behind that particular song? I was in love with someone whom I shouldn’t of because we were friends and it developed slowly.

Latest Song
Let’s talk about your latest song. What’s the title, and what’s the story or message behind it?
Mirame, I mean it’s the latest song that I have yet to release. It talks about how impossible love can be. Its about two former lovers reconnecting stronger than ever but can’t make their love fruitful due to their present commitments even though they aren’t in love with them.

Live Performances – The ones that sticks out the most is the recent one I had in Mexico City. It was fun sharing the stage with such talented musicians.

Share a memorable or unique experience from one of your live performances.
My daughter decided to come up and sing.

Beyond music, do you have any hobbies or interests that you’re passionate about? How do they influence your music? I dont know if they really influence my music but I like making old things new.

Is there a dream collaboration you’d like to pursue in the future?
Plenty, there are so many amazing artists out there.

Advice for Aspiring Musicians;
There really isn’t a good or bad. There just is. Create and dont overthink it. Things start forming as they go along.

Upcoming Projects
Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or new music you have in the works? What can your fans and listeners look forward to from you in the near future?

I’m working on new video content. That’s always fun. Also on a upcoming tour in Argentina for November. Pretty excited about that.