All Eyes on Kellie-Anne

Can you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your musical journey and background?

My name is Kellie-Anne Poirier, and I am a 20-year old singer/songwriter from Canada. I was raised in Dubai, and moved to NYC in 2017, before moving to Arizona for college. I started performing and singing at the age of 9, and have been doing so ever since. After competing on “The Voice Kids” Canada, I knew that music was my passion and something I wanted to keep pursuing. I began songwriting at the age of 13, and have since been releasing new music every year. Music is my outlet and my means of communication where I can allow myself to express my true feelings and let my thoughts roam free. I love to create, and have enjoyed directing music videos, creating visuals for my music, etc. I am excited for what is to come with my music endeavors!

Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound and style?

I have had a lot of different musical influences throughout my songwriting journey. Given that I have been writing music since I was 13 years old, I have changed a lot as a person since then, and my musical taste has too. Some of the artists that have shaped my sound and style include James Arthur, Lewis Capaldi, Olivia Rodrigo, and more recently, Noah Kahan, Hozier, Daniel Caesar, FLETCHER, and Jensen McRae.

Can you share a specific artist or album that has had a significant impact on your music?

Noah Kahan’s Stick Season truly lit a flame in me, and inspired me to write more raw and authentic music. I love what he communicated with the album, and how much soul he put into every individual song.

What’s your creative process like when you’re composing or writing a new song?

I don’t have a set in stone way of composing my music, however, I often go about it one of 2 ways: I find a chord progression I like on the piano or guitar, and start coming up with melody ideas. Once I feel content with the melody, I start to experiment with lyrics. I have a list of song topic ideas in my phone that I refer to, and I also write a lot of journal entries that I use as inspiration for my lyrics. The other method that I employ for songwriting is recording voice memos of melody ideas/concepts that I have (a method that I know a lot of other songwriters use haha). I then find the corresponding chord progression and use my journal entries and song ideas as lyric inspiration. If I am lacking inspiration, I often listen to some of my favorite artist’s discographies or browse through my playlist of songwriting inspo.

Among all the songs you’ve created, do you have a personal favorite? If so, what makes it special to you?

This is a difficult question to answer, because I am truly proud of every single one of my songs and I still enjoy listening to them. However, I do feel as though I improve every time that I release a new single, and feel like my newer music is representative of my growth as a person. Therefore, my favorite song I have created is “Help a Criminal”. I put my heart and soul into that song, and am so proud of how it turned out.

Can you share the story or inspiration behind that particular song?

In « Help a Criminal, » I essentially dive into the conversations I have with myself, fueled by my struggles of overthinking and self-neglect. The title serves as a metaphor, expressing the tendency to prioritize others over myself. It’s a confession of being my own harshest critic, influenced by my personal battles with mental health and self-hatred. The song aims to create a space where listeners feel heard, reminding them that they’re not alone in the intricate labyrinth of their thoughts. This song is a heartfelt plea for understanding and empathy, acknowledging that sometimes, the hardest person to help is oneself.

Let’s talk about your latest song. What’s the title, and what’s the story or message behind it?

My latest song is “Help a Criminal”

Share a memorable or unique experience from one of your live performances.

One of my most memorable live performances was at the Bitter End in NYC! It was one of the coolest, most beautiful venues I have ever been to, and it helps that it was in one of my favorite cities. I really enjoyed the cozy, close-knit vibe of the venue, making it feel like a place where music lovers can unite.

Beyond music, do you have any hobbies or interests that you’re passionate about? How do they influence your music?

I am very passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and moving my body everyday. I love to workout at the gym, go on hikes, dance, do pilates and yoga, rock climb, play tennis and volleyball, etc. Movement helps me feel connected to my body, and like I am in control of it, something that I don’t always feel on a daily basis. I also love to crochet and create unique pieces of clothing. I take my inspiration from items that I see in stores that I love, and try to replicate them into crochet garnets. This ties into my love for fashion and thrifting, another way in which I express myself. I love to travel and am passionate about exploring the world and all of the amazing cultures that there are. All of these interests and hobbies play a part in coming up with inspiration for my music.

Is there a dream collaboration you’d like to pursue in the future?

There are many artists that I would love to work with if the opportunity arose! My dream collaboration would probably be Hozier.

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are just starting their journey in the music industry?

I would say to prioritize passion and authenticity in your craft. Stay committed to continuously learning and growing as an artist, embrace the challenges, and push yourself to do more than you think you can. Engaging with your audience is also important, as well as remaining true to yourself no matter what is happening in your life or what people are telling you. Perseverance is key, and despite it being difficult to always keep pushing and keep believing in yourself when things get more difficult, you are capable of whatever you set your mind to. I have a tattoo that says “Me vs. Me”, and I live by that saying everyday. Success is not defined by how many followers or streams you have, but rather by how you feel about what you have created and how much you enjoy the process.

Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or new music you have in the works? What can your fans and listeners look forward to from you in the near future?

I am currently working on my first EP! I have always wanted to create some sort of cohesive project that is representative of the place I am at now with my life and with myself, and couldn’t be more excited to share these songs with my audience.