All Eyes on Kristi Jacques

 Can you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your musical journey and background?

I’m Kristi Jacques. Born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina now living in Myrtle Beach. I grew up in a rather musical household. Being the youngest of five, most of my siblings were out of the house when I was growing up, so I do admit to being rather spoiled. I took piano lessons when I was young, took band and Chorus in high school and then went on to more singing and then guitar lessons. In the late 90’s when I moved to Myrtle Beach, I somehow let life get in the way and I let music go, other than just listening and seeing the occasional concert. Fast forward to 2020, I found much more free time, went down the YouTube rabbit hole and became inspired to start again. My passion for music was renewed and I haven’t looked back since.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound and style?

There are so many across multiple genres. When I was young, my father always had country music playing and took me to several concerts. I especially loved Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and Dolly of course. Still do. In the 80’s there were the powerful female artists that I looked up to like Ann and Nancy Wilson, Pat Benatar, Stevie Nicks, etc. More recently it has been some heavier rock like Halestorm, Sevendust, Alter Bridge and others, but also a lot of blues and jazz mixed in.

Can you share a specific artist or album that has had a significant impact on your music?

I share this a lot, but only because it’s true. That YouTube rabbit hole led me to listen to more of Myles Kennedy than I ever had before. I liked him in Alter Bridge and his work with Slash, but I never really paid attention. When it’s just him and an acoustic guitar, there is really nothing better. He inspired me then and continues to do so.

What’s your creative process like when you’re composing or writing a new song?

I am mainly the lyricist in the process and for me, each song is very different. I never really sit down with the intention of writing a song. I have tried that before and it never sounds authentic. Sometimes I will have lyrics wake me up in the middle of the night. Sometimes I have a phrase, a word or a complete song that comes to me. I don’t really know where it comes from but it works for me. The hard part for me is the music/melody. That’s where my co-writers come in, and I have been very lucky to work with some amazing ones. I have written some complete songs on my own in the past, but they just weren’t as good. 

Among all the songs you’ve created, do you have a personal favorite? If so, what makes it special to you?

My favorite song is always my latest one. Lol I honestly don’t really have a personal favorite, but I am having so much fun creating. It’s very exciting to have a new song to release.

Can you share the story or inspiration behind that particular song?

Let’s talk about your latest song. What’s the title, and what’s the story or message behind it?

My latest single is called “Feeling Fierce”. It is really about embracing independence and doing what you want, living for yourself. 

Share a memorable or unique experience from one of your live performances.

Unfortunately, due to some severe health issues, I have not performed live. I have a chronic, autoimmune lung disease which I’ve been dealing with for the past 14 years and it has gotten progressively worse over the last 4 or 5 years. I’m actually working on getting on the list for a double lung transplant. I am hopeful that once that is done and I am fully healed, I can get out there and perform live. That is something I am striving for.

Beyond music, do you have any hobbies or interests that you’re passionate about? How do they influence your music?

I love to paint, to write (I have a few short books). I also really love cooking. It is another creative outlet for me and I try to cook healthy meals. I don’t think these hobbies really influence my music in any way, but I’ve never really thought about it. Is there a dream collaboration you’d like to pursue in the future?

Absolutely. I would love to collaborate with the man who inspired me to start again. I’m doubtful that will ever happen, but a girl can dream.

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are just starting their journey in the music industry?

You have to REALLY love the music. You have to do it for the love of music, because the industry is very difficult, especially for independent artists. If you love to create, perform, record, then just go for it. 

Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or new music you have in the works? What can your fans and listeners look forward to from you in the near future?

I have a cover song that I’m releasing soon from another band I’ve always admired, but I can’t say anything more about it yet. Stay tuned. ☺