All Eyes on Reuben Reuel

Can you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your musical journey and background?

My name is Reuben Reuel and I am a musician and multidisciplinary artist from New York City. I come from a musical background, my father was a well-respected jazz musician. My musical journey started a few years ago, I was also into and loved music but I didn’t truly pursue it until around 2019/2020. I went to LA to pursue a career in acting but while I was there I realized it wasn’t really for me, which was hard to come to terms with because I had been working towards that for years. I didn’t realize that it was something I didn’t truly want to do or resonate with until I realized that music was what I’ve always enjoyed more – I never really watched the Oscars or the Tonys but I always watched the Grammys, VMAs, etc. I decided to return to New York and pursue music and it’s been a wonderful ride since.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound and style?

Some of my biggest inspirations are the greats… Michael & Janet Jackson, Beyoncé, etc… I’ve also definitely mentioned my love for artists such as Victoria Monet, Tinashe, Kaytranada, Kendrick Lamar, etc.. but a lot of my inspirations are artists I find on my discover weekly on Spotify or my friends. I really get inspired by finding new music and types of artists that I otherwise wouldn’t be aware of.

Can you share a specific artist or album that has had a significant impact on your music?

I have two (if that’s okay!) Magic 8-ball by Mac Ayres and Songs for You by Tinashe. Both of those albums had a chokehold on me- and still do. I really enjoyed Tinashe’s album because of her creativity and versatility, as well as it being her first album independently. I think it really captured who she is as an artist. Magic 8-ball is a short and concise album by Mac Ayres that I think was crafted to perfection. It’s extremely soulful, thought-provoking, easy to internalize and escape into some good funky grooves.

What’s your creative process like when you’re composing or writing a new song?

It really depends on the song, most of the time my process starts out with a beat or if I get a melody in my head I’ll put a voice note in my phone. A lot of the time when I’m creating it’s usually the former. I think a lot of that comes from being around my father who was an instrumentalist rather than a vocalist, and I’ve always loved instrumentation and beat creation. I like to listen to songs over and over- some songs materialize, some don’t. I usually come up with the chorus or the hook first, then the rest of the song flows after. I like to listen to what I’ve created and ask myself “what is it that I’m feeling/thinking/doing? Am I moving around? Am I stagnant? What am I seeing?” When I really dive deep and ask myself those questions, I’m able to figure out the story and see the song as a puzzle piece. I can really fill in the gaps and holes when I do that.

Among all the songs you’ve created, do you have a personal favorite? If so, what makes it special to you?

Definitely my song Surreal, it is probably one of the more unique songs that I’ve created and I think it allowed me to get creative with songwriting and storytelling. I hadn’t put two songs in one before and they really worked seamlessly.

Can you share the story or inspiration behind that particular song?

It was created during a time of great introspection for sure. It’s actually the newest and oldest song on the entire album, the first half I started in 2020 and the second half was the last song I developed for the project. I revisited the first half after sitting on it for a minute, and when I noticed how well it went with the second half I put them all together. It tells a story about love, obsession, reality and surreality, how you can be in your head and be so excited that something you’ve wanted has finally happened that it’s so surreal, and then the second half is when it really gets real.

Let’s talk about your latest song. What’s the title, and what’s the story or message behind it?

My latest song is a remix of my song 12×2 by an artist named 0utlaw, but also Surreal is the song I’m focusing more on from my project Odyssey.

Share a memorable or unique experience from one of your live performances.

I’d say a unique experience from one of my performances was one of my more recent shows at Pianos – the energy was undeniable and I was in a bit of a funk because I had come down with a cold a few days before. I had to take time to heal and was upset because I couldn’t rehearse the way I wanted to, and I had been asked to do that show maybe a week or two prior to booking it. I think because of how pissed I had been with everything, that energy fueled my performance and as of me typing this I think that has been my absolute favorite show I’ve done so far. I was jumping, dancing, just having a really good time and I was grateful to be able to put that passion into the performance.

Beyond music, do you have any hobbies or interests that you’re passionate about? How do they influence your music?

I’m very into astrology! I also am really into video games, and on a nerdier side– transit. I also am really into geography, city planning, and exploring. I’m an explorer at heart, I love to walk around new places and immerse myself in the culture. I think it’s necessary to be able to learn more not just about others but also about yourself. These things definitely do influence my music, sometimes while I’m actively practicing these hobbies I’ll get the urge to go home or go back to wherever I’m staying and create a song. It’s stimulating for sure.

Is there a dream collaboration you’d like to pursue in the future?

You know I’d actually really be into collaborating with Bruno Mars one day. I think he’s insanely talented and I loved his 24K Magic album.

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are just starting their journey in the music industry?

It’s not going to be easy but just keep going. There are many times you will want to give up, but don’t. You have to continue to have faith and believe in yourself and your worth. You’re going to do have to do many things on your own at first, and although it might seem tedious, it’s just going to propel you forward. The skills you learn and utilize are of the utmost value.

Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or new music you have in the works? What can your fans and listeners look forward to from you in the near future?

I’ve been in a bit of a lull the past few weeks musically but I am always planning something new! I have a few remixes coming out soon and I’m collaborating with other artists here in New York that I’m really excited to put out. I’m also planning to have 2024 be a year of music, so I’ll definitely be releasing more tunes throughout the year.