All Eyes on Johnny Pearl

 Can you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your musical journey and  background? 

Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your  sound and style?

Allman Brothers, Ry Cooder, Jackson Brown, John Prine, Tom Waits, Little feat..Bob Dylan I believe I have been very influenced by americana music because the  songs often tells stories, mainly about real life events, and I love a great groove.  

Can you share a specific artist or album that has had a significant impact on your music?

Blood On The Tracks by Bob Dylan -Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts is the song.  This is a clear example of a great story and a great groove. 

What’s your creative process like when you’re composing or writing a new song?

Songs and melody just come to me out of nowhere or traveling I just listen for then and try and  copy them down as fast as I can, then I build on them. I have a recording studio in the country  and I demo the songs there then I work at bigger studios for the final record  

Favorite Song

Take me to the River .. performed by the Talking Heads 

Among all the songs you’ve created, do you have a personal favorite? If so, what makes  it special to you? 

Yes, it is a song I wrote called When The Old Man Came Home. This is a autobiography  song about growing up in Belleville Ontario Canada. You can find it on my first record  “Calling On An Angel”. 

Can you share the story or inspiration behind that particular song? 

This song is written about pursuing music on the road and looking for the blessing of a parent  who is unwilling to be supportive. 

Let’s talk about your latest song. What’s the title, and what’s the story or message behind it?

My latest song is called “I Am Myself” which is self explanatory and coming soon is a new song  called“Circle of Love”. I wrote it to record with the band I am currenty working with who are  members of the Grant African Methodist Episcopal church, and are fabulous players. Their  influence is gospel music and that goes really well with the music I write and perform live. 

Live Performances 

I have had many years of performing live when I grew up playing small northern bars in Ontario.  The dancers and patrons would ask for thier favorite radio songs but I didn’t know thoses song  so I would tell them that their favorite artist just recorded one of my songs and that way as long  as the song was danceable, presented well and had a catchy melody, most of the time I could  get away with it..I did have some really close calls though. I have always believed in the craft of  songwriting more than just being entertainment on a Saturday night so that was always the first  thing on my mind. 

Share a memorable or unique experience from one of your live performances

Once early in my career, a gang of street thugs were yelling and heckling the band and I  asked them to keep it down from the stage. They wanted to beat me up .. the ironic thing  was the bar was called the Doctors Hotel. Little did they know I was friends with the  owner who loved my music and and was very supportive.. He saw what was going on  and after the set approached me asking if there was going to be trouble. He loved  trouble because he was a boxing champ so he told the gang to leave the bar and without  going into a long story he saved my life that night.. His name was Albert Lantini, heavy  weight champion on the bars and stars! 

Beyond music, do you have any hobbies or interests that you’re passionate about? How do  they influence your music? 

I love history, and with my wife, own an old one-room schoolhouse built in1882, and bought an  old hall that was once part of an old church. We are restoring both, living in the schoolhouse  and building a new recording studio in the old hall called Centre Hall Studio. 

Is there a dream collaboration you’d like to pursue in the future? 

I would love love to collaborate and sing with Mavis Staples 

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are just starting their journey in  the music industry? 

Believe in yourself, help others and believe in their journey and that music is about family, the  people that come to listen and the people that write and perform it are in it together.

Keep going, practice, practice, practice and play anywhere that you can to help you  hone your craft! 

Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or new music you have in the  works? What can your fans and listeners look forward to from you in the near future?

I just returned from Paris and Italy where we shot video footage for three of my songs (and I just  got married to my sweet heart (Honey Jo Landry) in Venice).. Now I’m busy editing the footage  and working on my 7th record. I’m also promoting my Christmas song “Christmas In The  Village”. 

We are working with a promotion company ( Howard Rosen) out of California and  working with the fabulous freelance publicist, Olivia Long, and looking forward to touring  in the spring. A very exciting year ahead!