All Eyes on Hope Easton

Can you please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your musical journey and  background?  

Well, my journey has definitely take some out of the way paths and mountains unforeseeable.  I am Hope Easton and I am a cellist as well as a singer songwriter /composer and multi  instrumentalist. My background was mostly classical training, but I heard a lot of different styles  of music growing up.  

Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound  and style?

Well from the Classical composers, Bach , Brahms , Elgar, Beethoven, and Vivaldi  and others; while simultaneously listening to Elton John, the Beatles (not knowing who they  were) , Queen, Michael Jackson, Prince, George Michael , Tori Amos , Joni Mitchell and so  many others.  

Can you share a specific artist or album that has had a significant impact on your music? 

Cello Brick Road , Elton John because my parents had divorced and I listened to that Album all  of the time. And George Michael’s Faith and the White Album were regulars at different times of  my life. Now it seems to be only singles that I will really like.  

What’s your creative process like when you’re composing or writing a new song? 

It sometimes starts out with a lyric/poem and that can be sitting and then at a completely  different time I might use it. Once in awhile they come together, I start playing usually the  instrument, fooling around and a line will come. Sometimes I’m just walking around , gardening  and I start humming some melody. Then I work on whatever those lucky moments are and  develop them.Usually turns into a song.  

Among all the songs you’ve created, do you have a personal favorite? If so, what makes it  special to you?  

Well usually it is the most recent song, because Im still amazed I wrote something and I  usually really like it while Im writing it and it is new and fresh. Of course coming back to a few  old songs is great, because they are part of my journey/life.  

 Can you share the story or inspiration behind that particular song?  

The most recent song, was after traveling to Italy and when I got home, I felt very specific  differences so I wrote a song about Timelines.  


Let’s talk about your latest song. What’s the title, and what’s the story or message behind it? 

It is called Vinaigrette, and it is about traveling on a Private jet, so it’s a bit of a fantasy song  with some feelings/thoughts about traveling in general. As we are always traveling in space  on our earth planet. 

Share a memorable or unique experience from one of your live performances. 

One specific one was performing with my band, and one of the guys had his phone on him  and hadn’t turned the sound down. Right at a break in one of the songs ( I like to change  tempo…etc.. like a grand pause in Classical music) his phone went off. So irritating but so  amusing, the timing. I couldn’t get too upset…  

Beyond music, do you have any hobbies or interests that you’re passionate about? How do  they influence your music?  

I love reading the stars, astrology. And I love gardening. They kind of relate, as so many  fruits on the inside reflect the sun and stars. I love good food, beautiful clothes, wine and  languages excite me, oh and traveling! They kind of go hand in hand, also relate to my latest  single : Vinaigrette . Sewing and making things, knitting.  

Is there a dream collaboration you’d like to pursue in the future?  

Some great artist, who I might know ( famous) or someone who I don’t know. So I cannot pin  point a face or a name at this present moment.  


What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are just starting their journey in the  music industry?  

Well, be open to other musicians, and music. Listen and go to shows to hear other people’s  music . And be persistent, in your craft, whatever it is as well as being flexible. Breathe.  

Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or new music you have in the  works? What can your fans and listeners look forward to from you in the near future? 

I have two new tunes I need to get produced. One I wrote for my god-daughter niece when  she got married. And a new cello tune called Time Lines.